The Most Effective Way to Reduce Emissions

The recently released report, Consensus Recommendations for Future Federal Climate Legislation in 2009 published by various environmental and business organizations, states that energy efficiency is the must effective way to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Energy efficiency improvements, as experience in many states indicates, cost an average three center per lifetime kilowatt-hour saved compared to seven to thirteen cents per kilowatt-hour for conventional energy.

The power sector generates the largest amount of GHG emissions in the U.S., 37 percent. Carbon emissions from the power sector are greater than GHG emissions of all other countries but China. A report titled Carbon Caps and Efficiency Resources by Richard Cowart calls energy efficiency the "low-cost equivalent of a carbon scrubber for the electric power sector" and the key resource to create a "low-carbon power sector."

Polices are needed to "realize the full potential of energy efficiency" according to a reportA Call for Action by the U.S. Climate Action Partner. The report recommends climate legislation to create federal and state policies that "align financial and regulatory incentives with utilities' business interests."  The report also recommends that stronger energy efficiency codes and standards, plus incentives and tax reform measures by enacted. 


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