Yvo De Boer, the U.N.'s leading climate change official, spoke optimistically about a new climate change treaty. "The political moment is right to reach an agreement. There is no doubt in my mind that the Copenhagen climate conference in December is going to lead to a result."
Success in Copenhagen depends on four "political essentials," according to De Boer. The four essentials are:
- Clarity on how much industrialised countries would reduce their emissions up to 2020
- Clarity on what developing countries would do to limit the growth of their emissions
- Stable finance from industrialised nations for the developing world to mitigate climate change and adapt
- A governance regime
June marks the deadlines for developed countries to propose greenhouse gas (GHG) emission targets. China and Russia are the only two developed countries that have not yet submitted a proposal. However, a new document was posted on the website of China's National Development and Reform Commission. The document stated that developed countries should reduce GHG emissions 40 percent by 2020 from 1990 levels, and contribute 0.5 to one percent of their GDP to help developing countries cope with climate change.
Experts believe that a successful climate change treaty depends on the U.S. and China cooperating with each other. "This trip is one piece of what is going to be an extended interaction with the Chinese at all levels," Todd Stern, top climate negotiator for the U.S., said. "So yes, the vision that we have is of a clean energy and climate partnership bilaterally with the Chinese."
Watch the following Video from the Bonn climate change talks:
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