1. Install a programmable thermostat. Lowering your thermostat just two degrees in the winter saves 420 pounds of carbon a year. Every degree you lower your thermostat reduces energy use by four percent.
2. Insulate your house, including the attic, and HVAC ducts. Seal large air leaks in your house. Seal large air leaks in your home. Insulating your walls and ceilings saves 20-30 percent of home heating bills and reduces carbon emission by 140 to 2,100 pounds a year. Plugging air leaks through caulking and weather stripping saves 1,100 pounds of carbon emissions a year.
3. Insulate your water heater, which saves 1,100 pounds of carbon a year for an electric water heater, and 220 pounds for a gas heater.
4. Install efficient waterheads. Low-flow shower heads save 300 pounds of carbon a year.